Sponsorship Opportunities
Diamond – $50,000
- Your name(s) in lights on our one-of-a-kind marquee overlooking State Street
- Two prime tables of ten (20 tickets) at Gala
- Diamond sponsorship listing on all Gala printed materials
- Opportunity for color ad inside cover or back cover page of Legends Gala program book
- Recognition in press releases, advertising and other promotions for the Gala
- One year membership in The Granada Theatre Premier Patron Society
Platinum – $25,000
- One table (ten tickets) at Gala (priority placement)
- Platinum sponsorship listing on all Gala printed materials
- Prime position full page in the Legends Gala program book
- Recognition in press releases, advertising and other promotions for the Gala
- One year membership in The Granada Theatre Premier Patron Society
Gold – $15,000
- One table (ten tickets) at Gala
- Gold sponsorship listing on all Gala printed materials
- Half Page in the Legends Gala program book
- Public recognition in Granada Theatre Playbills, Annual Report and website
- One year membership in The Granada Theatre Premier Patron Society
Silver – $5,000
- Four tickets to attend the Gala
- Silver sponsorship listing on all Gala materials
- Quarter Page in the Legends Gala program book
- Name recognition in Granada Theatre Year in Review and website
- One year membership in The Granada Theatre Luminario Society
Bronze – $2,500
- Two tickets to attend the Gala
- Bronze sponsorship listing in our Legends Gala tribute journal
- Name recognition in Granada Theatre Year in Review and website
- One year membership in The Granada Theatre Luminario Society