Backstage Stories

Usher in the Fun

March 25, 2025

Usher in the Fun

Usher in the Fun

The Granada Theatre isn’t just a world-class performing arts venue; it’s an integral part of the community. Santa Barbara residents who want to do more than see a show can join The Granada Theatre’s Ambassador Program and become part of the theater’s family.

“The Ambassadors are a very vital, if not the most vital part of our theater,” said Nicholas Cimino, Assistant House Manager of The Granada. “Our Ambassadors are the face of The Granada, and their interactions with our guests create and shape our patrons’ experience.”

Ambassadors serve as greeters, ticket collectors, and ushers for all performances at The Granada. The nearly 80 current Ambassadors help provide an exceptional experience for all, ensure safety during the show, and share their enthusiasm and passion for the arts with guests.

Ambassadors get a behind-the-scenes perspective and get to see any show they work at for free, including popular annual events like the State Street Ballet’s The Nutcracker.


A Day in the Life of an Ambassador


On the day of a performance, Ambassadors arrive at The Granada 90 minutes before the show. They attend a team meeting to learn about the timing and policies for the show and to get their specific assignment for the day.

“Each Ambassador has a regular position and an emergency position,” explained Cimino. “Their main job could be taking tickets, seating patrons, or monitoring the doors, and they’re also given an emergency role in case of an unexpected event during the show.”

Getting to the theater before the audience arrives also provides the Ambassador a chance to see the stage being set up or the performers gathering together before the show, something Cimino says the volunteers find to be one of the coolest parts of the experience.

Once an Ambassador completes their job, they’re invited to watch the performance. After the show, Ambassadors help guests leave the theater and then are dismissed.


Ambassador Appreciation


The Ambassadors are integral to The Granada. The theater recognizes the important role the volunteers play and hosts semi-annual appreciation events to thank the group.

“We host a party where we give awards recognizing stand-out Ambassadors and a winter event that is more of a casual get-together,” said Cimino.

The Granada has recently introduced a new program where, depending on the performance, an Ambassador is randomly selected from those who signed up to work at the event. This selected individual gets the opportunity to attend the show as a patron, rather than as a volunteer.

Become an Ambassador


The Granada is always taking applications for its Ambassador program, but its main recruitment push is in the Summer. The only requirement to volunteer is to be at least 18 years old.

Volunteers must complete a background check, take an online sexual harassment training workshop, and a one-time orientation to The Granada.

The Granada is hoping to grow its Ambassador program to about 100 volunteers.

“Becoming an Ambassador is a great volunteer opportunity for art lovers in the community,” said Cimino. “They put a lot of effort into our theater, and we greatly appreciate them.”